Family and Marital Therapy

Family and Marital Therapy

This approach focuses on helping the family overcome rigidity and pain – and function in positive and fulfilling ways. Guided by the therapist, the family members explore patterns and processes that affect communication, connectedness and cohesion. The members engage in dialogue to resolve disputes and conflicts.

The therapist facilitates the process of forgiveness, reparation and restoration of commitment and supportive family alliances.

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We are more than happy to give advice on which counselling is most suitable for your needs, depending on your problems. Why not ask us to view your problems and discuss for solution.

Psychosocial Support Matters

"Words of comfort skillfully administered are the oldest therapy known to man. ~Louis Nizer"

“Always remember that for every patient you see, you may be the only person in their life capable of hearing and holding their pain. If that’s not sacred, I don’t know what is.” - Unknown